The Case for School Choice
(1) School Choice is a moral imperative, because allowing children to be trapped in an educational situation and life without hope is EVIL.
(2) School Choice is effective and cost-effective, improving education not only for those children who utilize it but even for those who remain in public school.
(3) School Choice is way past due, because what we are doing not isn't working and nearly everywhere else has embraced parent-friendly alternatives.
The MORAL Case for School Choice
(1) One leg is made up of those most animated by social & religious conservatism (family values, cultural decency, traditional moral foundations of the country, esp. sexual morality), as well as anything touching on religion in public life or education.
(2) The second leg is made up of people who are concerned with national defense, either as a spending priority, as a means of disseminating American ideals (like democracy), or as part of national-greatness patriotism.
(3) The third leg comes from business interests and fiscal conservatives, both Main Street (small business) and Wall Street (corporate).
It could be argued that the seat, which holds the stool together, is the conservative media ecosystem: particularly the FOX News channel (to much lesser extent Newsmax), AM talk radio, and a collection of conservative periodicals like the Wall Street Journal & New York Post (to lesser extent Breitbart, Daily Caller, and organized Social Media influencers). Their tendency to have a relatively unified message/narrative across all platforms maintains cohesiveness in conservatism.
A case can be made for supporting law enforcement being another part of that seat with it having clear connections to all 3 legs.
The EFFECTIVENESS Case for School Choice
(1) One leg is made up of those most animated by social & religious conservatism (family values, cultural decency, traditional moral foundations of the country, esp. sexual morality), as well as anything touching on religion in public life or education.
(2) The second leg is made up of people who are concerned with national defense, either as a spending priority, as a means of disseminating American ideals (like democracy), or as part of national-greatness patriotism.
(3) The third leg comes from business interests and fiscal conservatives, both Main Street (small business) and Wall Street (corporate).
It could be argued that the seat, which holds the stool together, is the conservative media ecosystem: particularly the FOX News channel (to much lesser extent Newsmax), AM talk radio, and a collection of conservative periodicals like the Wall Street Journal & New York Post (to lesser extent Breitbart, Daily Caller, and organized Social Media influencers). Their tendency to have a relatively unified message/narrative across all platforms maintains cohesiveness in conservatism.
A case can be made for supporting law enforcement being another part of that seat with it having clear connections to all 3 legs.
(a) insufficiently principled (esp. to social conservatism), and too often unwilling to articulate what those principles even are,
(b) unwilling to fight even to promote their constituents’ core values (and too willing to sell those values out in compromises), if it means negative publicity from the liberal press or vocal opposition from liberal activist groups (like teacher union leadership), and
(c) too willing to cater to donor interests (esp. state or federal Chamber of Commerce leadership) over the priorities of the bulk of their own constituents.
With those critiques noted, we acknowledge that “Liberty Republicans” and “Establishment Republicans” agree on perhaps 80%+ of bills & priorities. Our disagreements are “within the family,” versus a Democratic Party that in many respects has left reality & sanity behind.
What are some of our key principles & priorities, with which we welcome “Establishment” cooperation?
Policies that Promote Traditional Conservative Values like Faith, Family, Freedom & Fairness: