America's Foundational Vision of Limited Government

The Decl. of Independence & Bill of Rights include profound insights into Government.
These insights are the core of what is now commonly called ``Classical Liberalism``.
Just Governments are Formed to Secure Citizen Rights
(1) Every person has certain Rights, granted directly by God.
(2) NO entity should be permitted to violate those (inalienable) rights in a society.
(3) Among these Rights (non-exhaustive) are:

  • Life
  • Liberty (including but not limited to):
    • Freedom of Conscience/Religious Exercise
    • Speech
    • (Investigative) Press
    • Association and Assembly
    • Petition and Protest
    • Armed Self-defense
  • Free Enterprise
  • Possession of Property
  • Freedom from Overt Government Tyranny
    • Quartering Troops
    • Unreasonable Search & Seizure
    • Lack of Due Process
    • Lack of Peer Jury Trial

(4) The APPROPRIATE role of Government (the reason it is constituted) is:
to use its Just Power, to secure citizens’ inalienable rights (1,2,3).

Just Governments are Formed by Consent of the Governed
The defining characteristic of any Government is NOT MAKING Laws (anyone can make up rules),
it is the Monopoly on Force it has to ENFORCE Laws. Government is any entity with the
intent & ability (Power) to make people follow its rules.

(5) When that Power (Monopoly on Force) is granted with free Consent of the Governed, it is Just.
When it is exercised without the free consent of the governed, it is unjust.

Unjust, or Failed, Governments Must be Changed (hopefully non-violently)

Governments can fail the people in two ways. They can be:
(a) Incapable, Unresponsive, or Unwilling to secure citizen rights (Impotent)
(b) Actively violate those rights without recourse (Tyrannous)

The Danger of a Human Government (any entity with a Monopoly on Force)
unable or unwilling to use its Power to protect citizens from violations of their rights
or without Strong Limits on its own capacity for Tyranny is Self-Evident.

These Concepts Promote LIMITED Government (3 Ls)

Law & Order for Equal Protection of Our Rights Under the Law
Less Bureaucracy & Government Intervention
Lower Taxes Generally, esp for Small Businesses & Middle/Low Incomes

Law & Order
Equal Protection of Our Rights Under the Law

A Government that can’t or won’t secure our rights (impotence), or ITSELF chooses to violate them (authoritarianism/tyranny) is an intolerable disaster.
(1) A strong (defensive-oriented & efficient) military, FUNDING THE POLICE, and well-trained, community-responsive policing are the core purpose of Government.
(2) Every law a Government considers should be viewed through a critical/ skeptical lens:
(a) Does this fit clearly within the Government’s Constitutionally defined role.
(b) How does this impact citizen rights?
(a) Is it appropriate / just to enFORCE citizen compliance with this “at the barrel of a gun”? While perhaps overly dramatic, compliance is almost always obtained through FORCE (even if it is usually implicit, or threatened).
(3) Opposed to Democrat Party views throughout American history (from Slavery, to Jim Crow, to Affirmative Action), Government/ Law/ Police/ Military should NOT be in the business of discriminating on the basis of religion, race, or sex nor weaponized for biased political, social, or personal persecution: Equal Protection Under the Law.

Less Bureaucracy & Regulation of Our Lives

(1) The private sector handles nearly every activity in life more efficiently than the Government (UPS vs USPS). Even “popular” Government programs (Medicare, postal system, roads…) run at a massive loss, or are Ponzi schemes, driving them rapidly toward insolvency. The popularity of Government programs rests on people charging their “Free Lunch” to their grandchildren’s credit card.
(2) The Government is not your Mother, and should never try to be your Nanny. When Government provides private sector social services it destroys private charity & community involvement. Those community issues instead become the Government’s responsibility. This leads to Entitlement, Waste, Exploitation, Fraud, and Dependency… and seizes the rightful domain of Voluntary Community & Church engagement.
(3) Central Planning leads to Dictatorship. When Government gets involved in social engineering (regulating the choices that people make), Economic (livelihood) / Police / Military force eventually are turned against the “unenlightened” dissenters. Taken beyond just the most basic of incentive structures, “The Carrot & The Stick” are most often the tools of authoritarians who see people as livestock.

Lower Taxes Generally,
esp. Small Business & Middle/Lower Income

(1) What is MY “fair share” of what
YOU earned through your hard work?

(2) Individuals can spend their OWN money
far better than Incompetent Bureaucrats.

(3) Money is an incentive to work, so
Taking Money away is a Disincentive.
Higher Taxes => Less Economic Activity.
(4) Biz taxes are often counter-productive:
Passed on as consumer taxes (Inflation)
Less profit => less attractive for biz, Fewer Jobs.
(5) The Power to Tax is the Power to Destroy.
Government should encourage fair, anti-
monopolistic competition. It should NOT
determine economic Winners & Losers.

When it does, we get Cronyism: Corporate Lobbying & Big Government merges.

While America should be pro-free enterprise:
Contrary to Supreme Court precedent, Corporations, (Non-profit) NGOs, and Political Action Committees ARE NOT PEOPLE, and should not be treated as such. Like many pressing issues, Corporate rights are not specified in the Constitution and should be determined via legislative process, not Judicial Fiat.

We Proudly Promote Our Shared Values (4 Fs)

Faith (Freedom of Conscience & Expression; Affirming our Christian Moral Foundation)
Family (Pro-Life, Pro-Abortion, Pro-Marriage)
Freedom (No Emergency Suspends Our Constitutional Rights)
Fairness (Election Integrity, Fair Trade & Economic Policy, De-Politicizing ``Justice``)

Current Issues of Elevated Urgency (Hot Buttons: 4 Ss)

Safe Streets
Secure Elections & Borders
Spending Responsibly (Deflationary Policy)
School Choice (Reversing Marxist Indoctrination)


Freedom of Conscience & Non-Violent Religious Expression:
*Prohibition on Military, Government, Employer & Business Interference with Beliefs:
-No ideological, or political purges! No government funded ideological training or personnel (incl. DEI).
-No Religious Vaccine Exemptions Denials… At minimum, retroactive Honorable Discharges.
-No Private Social Media Platform Censorship for religious expression in section 230.


Pro-Life & Adoption, Not Abortion: Abortion kills a human being.
*We will get out the vote for the 2022 Pro-life KY Constitutional Amendment.
*Enhanced Adoption/Foster Family Stipends.

Remove Marriage Disincentives from all Social (welfare) Programs. End marriage to the state: return parents (mostly fathers) to homes.
*Support (up to 4, for each financially responsible parent) Child Tax Credits.
*Strict Enforcement of Child Support Delinquency Laws.

Sexual abuse can destroy young women and their likelihood of forming relationships & families:
*Enhanced Funding for Rape Kit Processing.
*Support sentencing enhancements for non-statutory rape: Without condom; Forcible impregnation.


No Emergency Should EVER Take Precedence over Constitutional Rights.

2nd Amendment Sanctuary: No Law Enforcement Personnel in KY Shall be Permitted to Aid Enforcement of Any Federal Firearm Law or Regulation More Restrictive than Jan. 1, 2020 Law.

Consider polices prohibiting:
*Termination of employees for off job 1st Amendment protected speech (cancel culture)
*Denial of financial services for ANY reason other than return on investment (financial blacklisting & redlining).


We must have true Equal Protection Under the Law: No Political Bias or Weaponization of Military, Law Enforcement or Justice Department. Prosecutorial discretion must be reigned in.

Government should never be in the discrimination business: Ban differential policies, hiring, or training by those receiving any public funds, on the basis of race, religion, or sex (incl. government contractors).

We champion the American Worker, we must make things and restore dignity of work in America!
*Buy American and “Buy Bluegrass” Policies. KY Proud and “KY Crafted” tax incentives.
*Federal Fair Trade deals (no dumping, IP theft, currency manipulation, etc.).
*We are not Anti-Success. However, we must Close Tax Loopholes favoring the rich & powerful, like (Hedge Fund) Carried Interest.
*Keep estate tax moratorium for greater of 1st $1M per child, or $3M per estate.
*Tech and Financial Monopolies must be broken up, to promote real market competition.

Safe Streets

FUND THE POLICE: Promote well-trained & cooperative community policing (including outreach & youth programs).

The only way to stop a determined bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun:
*Strengthen Stand Your Ground, Castle, Self-Defense Laws.
*Promote Firearm Safety Training.
*Consider limits to “Gun Free Zones”, incl. many private businesses.

Secure Elections &
Secure Federal Borders

EASY to Vote in-Person; HARD to Cheat:
*Must show government-issued photo Voter ID (no more school IDs) for ALL ballots. Extend that requirement (copy of Photo ID) to verified excuse Mail-ins.
*Clean the voter roles.
*Crack down on illegal ballot harvesting in long-term care facilities.
*No Internet Connectivity of Voting Machines.
*Human Auditable Paper Ballots.

We are NOT Anti-immigrant (most share our values). We are PRO-Controlled, Merit-based Immigration targeting needed skills (not for demographic goals, cheap labor, or wage depression):
*Finish the Wall.
*Re-instating Remain in Mexico.
*Enforcement of deportation for Visa overstay.
*Public burden & Merit-based immigration, with 1-nuclear family limit on chain migration.

Spending Sanity (Stop Biden-flation)

There is no such thing as a Free Lunch, someone always pays (too often, our grandchildren): 
*Statutory controls on Quantitative Easing & Money Printing.
*Push for Balanced Budgets.
*Promote local production & supply chains (eg Prime Act & Farmers Co-ops).

School Choice (Reversing Marxist Indoctrination)

We embrace the development of a “Parental Bill of Rights.” Except in clear cases of neglect or abuse, parents’ rights come first in determine a child’s upbringing and education:
*One part is a Ban on Indoctrination of Gender Fluidity, or Race & Sex Discrimination in Public Ed (BR 69).

We want to empower parents, and legislators, to finally fix & elevate the KY educational system. We support True “Money Follows the Child” School Choice, public education revenue should go wherever Parents choose to educate their kids.
*Permanent funding of legal Charter Schools.
*Educational cost reimbursement via HB 563 Tax Credit matching.
*KY Constitutional Amendment removing Section 189, which prohibits governmental education funds going to religious schools. Give legislators ALL options for improving our schools, including competition.
*Consider the dissolution of the Federal Department of Education, returning control of public education to each state, consistent with US Constitutional Amendment 10.

Get Involved in Politics, Contact Us!

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Run for Office
Share Your Thoughts

(One-click Multi-candidate,
Recurring, Small Dollar, etc.)

Everyone has something to contribute!

If political involvement, elections, and legislation aren't your cup of tea, consider some alternatives to advocating for your values:
Join a Conservative Church or Charitable Organization, or join like-minded people in Local Liberty Activism Groups. Get informed and educate the public...
Just Do Something, All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Click on a Liberty Activism Group below to go to their website.
Disclaimer: Presence here does not constitute a Group’s Political Endorsement of any candidate.



We must start building an ALTERNATIVE COMMUNITY:
A “city on a hill” that is separate from, and superior to, the current one
that is controlled, at nearly every turn, by our powerful ideological foes.

To control language & information is to control thought:

(1) We must control our ability to speak and associate freely, instead of being confined to a MATRIX of censorious, left-wing communication echo chambers (FAKE NEWS, REGIME MEDIA, HOLLYWOOD, BIG TECH).

(2) We must supporting our own content producers & generate more high-quality, high-production value content to out-compete NYT, WaPo, Hollywood, Netflix, Amazon, NBC… in the marketplace of ideas.

BUSINESS BLACKLISTING & <br>Building Up Conservative SOCIAL Institutions

Stop Financially Supporting businesses that actively advocate against your values:<br>

(3) Temporary Boycotts without media pressure are pointless. Be thoughtful with your purchases, even if it is (almost always) a lesser of two evils decision. Cut companies that advocate against your values out of your life completely. BLACKLIST them and form new purchasing habits. Build up local, small businesses, and religiously grounded, liberty-minded corporations.

(4) Build up and strengthen existing conservative social institutions, infrastructure, groups, and advocacy networks in your world.

ESCAPE Coalition

Enabling School Choice and Alternatives for Parental Empowerment

Put simply, nothing has been more destructive to the long-term prospects of liberty than the Marxist infiltration, control of, and indoctrination via our educational system (esp. higher ed & teacher colleges). Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction.
ESCAPE is a Coalition of Education Activism Groups, Concerned Parents, and Community Leaders have begun several initiatives to address Kentucky’s Educational System. Beyond legislative actions, these groups have been working to facilitate K-12 homeschooling and helping to start Christian Schools.

Take this ESCAPE Coalition Parent Survey about your interest in School Choice and Alternative Education. Then, print out and popularize this flier to other concerned parents and grandparents (eg hand them out in a blitz at school events, after-school pick-up lines, etc.).




Do you like what you see? Agree with our values & want to run for office? We can help.
For state & local offices, it's not as hard as you think! Contact us well before Jan. 7, 2022 to File for a Political Run.

To vote in the May 17 Republican primary, to Vote out RINOs,
you must Switch your Party Affiliation by Dec 31, 2021.
To vote in the Nov 8 general election, incl. after an address change,
you must Register to Vote by Oct 10.
It only takes about 5 minutes.

Recruit More Activists

Educate Teacher’s on Availability of Cheap, Apolitical Unions

A fantastic way to build our movement is through collecting contacts for like-minded people and then putting them together with existing groups and resources. Let your friends and social media contacts know about the broader liberty activist network out there.
ISSUE AND LOCATION TARGETED PETITIONS that you then promote on Social Media are a great way to easily and cheaply collect those contacts and build our networks.

Re-Focus Teacher Unions

Educate Teacher’s on Availability of Cheap, Apolitical Unions

The largest national Teacher Unions (AFT; NEA/NFT) have become among the largest and most influential financiers of left-wing political candidates and opponents to School Choice. Not to mention, they have been major proponents of their members indoctrinating children in to radical Marxist ideology.
Try handing this flier out at, or taping to the door of, the teachers’ entrances at schools one or two days every week.