This is What I Will Fight For

I Stand for Safe Streets, Better Jobs, More Freedom, and
the Right of Parents to Control their Children's Education.

Constitutional Conservatism

No Emergency Should EVER Take Precedence over Constitutional Rights.

Freedom to practice our Judeo-Christian faith without government interference. Right to Free Speech without fear of government harassment OR job termination.

2nd Amendment Sanctuary

No Law Enforcement Personnel in KY Shall be Permitted to Aid Enforcement of Any Federal Firearm Law or Regulation More Restrictive than Jan. 1, 2020 Law.


Abortion kills a human being. I support the 2022 Pro-life KY Constitutional Amendment and will work to protect the unborn and promote: Adoption, not Abortion.

School Choice

I support true “Money Follows the Child” School Choice and legislation that allows school revenue to be sent wherever Parents choose to educate their kids.

Law & Order, and
Equal Protection

We must FUND THE POLICE, and promote cooperative community policing.

The Government/Law should never be in the business of discriminating on the basis of religion, race, or sex.

Election Integrity &

Must show government-issued photo Voter ID for ALL ballots (incl. Mail-in). No internet Connectivity of Voting Machines. Human Auditable Paper Ballots.

Local Farm Independence

Farmers should be able to co-op and process their own livestock & harvest, to market locally and nationally. This will allow farmers better livelihood, promoting Kentucky Agriculture throughout the state and country.

My Affiliations

I actively participate in the following political organizations
and support many of their positions.
Disclaimer: This does NOT mean that my campaign is endorsed
by any of these a-political 501(c)(3) non-profits.

AFA – American Family Association
NRWF – National Republican Women's Federation, Louisville KY
CKY – Constitutional Kentucky
LTP - Louisville Tea Party
CASAA - Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association

This is Just the Beginning
Great Things are Ahead