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USA: New Albany, IN
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To Vote Out RINOs in the May 3 Rep. Primary, Switch your Party Affiliation by Dec 31, 2021.
To Vote Out Dems in the Nov 8 Gen. Election after an address change, Register to Vote by Oct 10.
It only takes about 5 minutes.
Everyone has something to contribute!
consider some alternatives to advocating for your values:
Join a Conservative Church or Charitable Organization, or join like-minded people in Local Liberty Activism Groups. Get informed and educate the public... Do Something!
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
We must start building an ALTERNATIVE COMMUNITY:
A “city on a hill” that is separate from, and superior to, the current one
that is controlled, at nearly every turn, by our powerful ideological foes.
To control language & information is to control thought:
(1) We must control our ability to speak and associate freely, instead of being confined to a MATRIX of censorious, left-wing communication echo chambers (FAKE NEWS, REGIME MEDIA, HOLLYWOOD, BIG TECH).
(2) We must supporting our own content producers & generate more high-quality, high-production value content to out-compete NYT, WaPo, Hollywood, Netflix, Amazon, NBC… in the marketplace of ideas.
Build Up Conservative Social Institutions
Stop Financially Supporting Businesses that
Actively Advocate Against your Values
(3) Temporary Boycotts without media pressure are pointless. Be thoughtful with your purchases, even if it is (almost always) a lesser of two evils decision. Cut companies that advocate against your values out of your life completely. BLACKLIST them and form new purchasing habits. Build up local, small businesses, and religiously grounded, liberty-minded corporations.
(4) Build up and strengthen existing conservative social institutions, infrastructure, groups, and advocacy networks in your world.
ESCAPE Coalition
Enabling School Choice & Alternative-ed for Parental Empowerment
“Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction.” – Reagan
“Only a fool would allow his enemy to educate his children.” – Malcolm X
Nothing has been more destructive to the long-term prospects of liberty than Marxist infiltration, control of, and indoctrination within our educational system (esp. higher ed & teacher colleges). Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction.
ESCAPE is a Coalition of Education Activism Groups, Concerned Parents, and Community Leaders have begun several initiatives to address Kentucky’s Educational System. Beyond legislative actions, these groups have been working to facilitate K-12 homeschooling and helping to start Christian Schools.
Take this ESCAPE Coalition Parent Survey about your interest in School Choice and Alternative Education. Then, print out and popularize this flier to other concerned parents and grandparents (eg hand them out in a blitz at school events, after-school pick-up lines, etc.).

For state & local offices, it's not as hard as you think! Contact us to File for a Political Run.
To Vote Out RINOs in the May 3 (IN), or May 17 (KY) Republican primary,
Switch your Party Affiliation by Dec 31, 2021.
To Vote Out Dems in the Nov 8 Gen. Election after
an address change, Register to Vote by Oct 10.
It only takes about 5 minutes.
A fantastic way to build our movement is through collecting contacts for like-minded people and then putting them together with existing groups and resources. Let your friends and social media contacts know about the broader liberty activist network out there.
ISSUE AND LOCATION TARGETED PETITIONS that you then promote on Social Media are a great way to easily and cheaply collect those contacts and build our networks.
Educate Teachers on Availability of Affordable, A-political Unions
The largest national Teacher Unions (AFT; NEA/NFT) have become among the largest and most influential financiers of left-wing political candidates and opponents to School Choice. Not to mention, they have been major proponents of their members indoctrinating children in to radical Marxist ideology.
Try handing this flier out at, or taping to the door of, the teachers’ entrances at schools one or two days every week.